About us


What we do

Our mission is simple: get to your batteries faster.

Here at Batmag, we spend a lot of time at the range and run thru batteries like candy on weekly basis on many applications: comms, testing equipment, household appliances, you name it.

We always had a hard time storing our batteries in easy-to-access compartments and always fell short of spares in many situations. Runs to the store were more common than we would like to admit.

We were struggling to find an off-the-shelf solution that could address our problems, probably because “big battery” thought that it is up to the end user to figure out where to put their batteries.

So we decided to design our own.

The inception of Batmag was a blend of “let’s make it simple” and “let’s make it practical”.
The burning desire to have a dispenser that was easy to grip, allow a fast draw, and could be withstand adverse weather, made us create dozens of interactions.
Our ammo-shaped dispenser is a natural evolution of battery boxes.

We evaluated to manufacture overseas, but we decided to make Batmag on American soil to keep delivery times short and align better to our company values.
If you are in the hot desert or drenching in a southern swamp, Batmag will be the perfect companion for your batteries.

Join us in our mission to redefine how we carry batteries!
Learn more in our bat-blog

Contact: info@bat-mag.com

EU Distributors:
Shooting Range Schinznach, CH - SRS website